MOSELLE ATTRACTIVITE provides free support to companies in their projects: analysis of needs, search for land and buildings, search for financial aid and industrial partners, etc.
Moselle Attractivité Agency
MOSELLE ATTRACTIVITE is the economic development agency of the Moselle region. Its mission, through its economic development division, is to support the economic development of the region, promote key sectors and develop the image of the MOSL economic destination.
In collaboration with local authorities and in permanent liaison with a network of partners (State services, Grand Est Region, EPCI, etc.), MOSELLE ATTRACTIVITE provides, free of charge, a quality service to business leaders looking for a site or with development projects.
Our support

Our services

Our expertises
MOSELLE ATTRACTIVITE is a team of men and women at your disposal, with in-depth experience of the company and the region.
This experienced team combines availability, competence and a sense of confidentiality.

Our success
Moselle’s economic success can be summed up in one figure: more than €2 billion of investment announced since 2018 in the industrial and logistics sectors mainly.
Or call us directly at +33 (0)3 87 37 57 80